Resource Category: Infographics

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  • World Whistleblowers Day 2024 Infographic

    World Whistleblowers Day – Key Statistics and Insights Want to know more about our whistleblowing products & services? Other Whistleblowing Services Whistleblowing health check and audit Whistleblowing software and hotlines Independent workplace investigations Investigation training Whistleblowing elearning for managers Whistleblowing elearning for all staff Need to Talk to a Whistleblowing System Expert? Call us on +44…

  • World Whistleblowers Day 2023 – Statistics Infographic

    Infographic Text as follows: Safecall World Whistleblowing Day – 23rd June 2023 But So, why don’t more workers report via an employee hotline or online whistleblowing channel Yet 92% of leaders are likely to act It’s a question of trust in the organisations’ whistleblowing system Only 57% of British workers know their employer has a whistleblowing…

  • Whistleblowing Benchmark Report 2023 Infographic

    Infographic Text as follows Return to Pre-Covid for some… Systems and People under Pressure for others Overall Rate of Reports down by 5%, from 1:400 to 1:420, as employees return to work after Covid Blue collar workers twice as likely as white collar workers to make a whistleblowing report Rates of Engagement +36% Healthcare+33% Not…

  • World Whistleblowers Day Statistics Infographic

    World Whistleblowers Day, June 23 2022 | Whistleblowing Statistics You can download these whistleblowing statistics here €5.3bn LOST ANNUALLY TO PUBLIC CORRUPTION i 21% of UK respondents felt that their workplace activelyencouraged their employees to speak up ii 13% of UK respondents had actively blown the whistle. Emblematic of a lack of trust in internal whistleblowing…