Whistleblowing Benchmark Report 2023 Infographic

Infographic Text as follows

Return to Pre-Covid for someā€¦ Systems and People under Pressure for others

Overall Rate of Reports down by 5%, from 1:400 to 1:420, as employees return to work after Covid

Blue collar workers twice as likely as white collar workers to make a whistleblowing report

Rates of Engagement

+36% Healthcare
+33% Not for profit
+25% Retail
+10% Local
0% Finance and
Banking / Legal
-3% Construction

Sharp rises in whistleblowing reports in March and November coinciding with Pre-Financial Year End and Christmas, as employees feel economic effects?

HR reports

+5% Harrassment
+5% Racism
0% Bullying

Dishonest Behaviour Reports +3%

+2% Corruption
+1% Fraud
+1% Bribery

General Reports

+8% Policy
+2% Environment
+2% Data Protection
-12% Reputation

55% of telephone reports are named
70% of web reports are anonymous

Telephone hotline reports are 11% more likely to be substantiated than web reports